Thursday, August 20, 2020

Begin Anywhere

 I find a lot of wisdom in magnets. Don’t judge. As school begins (🤯) families of students have to do their part to ensure student learning. This is very likely overwhelming, especially now.

So give yourself a break and begin anywhere.  For example:

Set up a dedicated study corner where you live. If you don’t have room for that buy a crate or a basket to be used only with school stuff.

Read every day with your child. If you’re not comfortable reading in English, read in the language that you’re comfortable with.

Set up a journal for a back and forth written exchange between your child and you.

I’ll be putting more detail about these and other ideas here as we go.

Don’t worry.about if it’s enough or what they need or if you’re doing it right. You’ll get there. Have faith. Just Begin.

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